Friday, September 02, 2005

The Essential Food Groups

Word came back that the final cross-match was negative and so now it is time to prepare for Wednesday’s surgery. Part of the preparation is to eradicate an immune system so I will not immediately reject the donated kidney.

Pictured here is my daily portion, for now. The four big ones on the bottom and the four rows on the right are my new lifelong friends. These drugs will be regulated once I have the transplant so the kidney can live (and I can live), but they will be necessary for the rest of my life. That is a staggering thought.

The first handful was rather daunting. It is a counterintuitive act to swallow so many pills – especially knowing these pills are not designed to heal you of anything.

This week has not left much time to write. I have been handing off work at the office and going to the hospital every other day. Now that the drugs have started, I am sequestered. I hope there will be time to capture some thoughts.


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