Saturday, June 11, 2005

Recent Conversations

At the clinic, I saw one of our church members. She had a transplant about a year after my mom had her transplant. She was there for her annual check up and all the reports were good. There is always a little anxiety about how the new kidney is going to do.

Signing in at the clinic the receptionist told me she was looking for me. She had not heard about the canceled transplant until she came in to the clinic and she was surprised when she saw me up to her. It was good to talk with her. We compared stories about our encounters at the clinic.

She has been one of the regular visitors while I am doing dialysis. We have a good time laughing about things that only folks going through this can understand; doctors, holiday weekends, meds, hauling jugs of urine to clinics, etc.

My transplant coordinator has been in some recent conversations, too. She is meeting some of my friends. I have great friends and she has been impressed. She has asked about what it is that I do in life. That has sparked an interest in her to check out UBC since she lives near the area. I think there is more to emerge in this part of the story.

Following all the clinic work I had lunch with one of my philosopher friends. We take our time together. We went to “Bubba’s Ice House” at Westpark and 610. It is a dump of a place, but when you’re philosophising, surroundings don’t matter much. Also, they have the choice of buffalo or beef burgers - like our philosophy sessions most times buffalo and sometimes something beefy. We had not seen each other in a while and we caught up. He spoke of his pressures. I showed him my catheter. We enjoyed the comfort of each other’s company as we pondered big questions.

One of the patients in the dialysis clinic spoke with me this morning. I had never met her, but she expressed appreciation for UBC. I’ve notice most of the patients come by ambulance or the Red Cross transportation. However, on Saturdays, the Red Cross does not operate, so some of these folks either miss their treatment (not a good idea) or have to rustle up a ride. I mentioned to the dialysis clinic’s social worker UBC’s Driving With Care ministry. Driving With Care brought this woman to the clinic today. She was very grateful.

Today, three friends came by and sat with me. It helps to pass the time. We had a good time talking about life.


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